Marketing bán hàng - Chapter 18: Measuring the effectiveness of the promotional program

Reasons to measure effectiveness

Reasons effectiveness measures are not taken

Avoid costly mistakes

Evaluate alternative strategies

Increased advertising efficiency

Determine if objectives are achieved

Costs involved

Research problems

Disagreement on what to test

Objections of creative department

Lack of time


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Chapter 18 Measuring the Effectiveness of the Promotional ProgramArguments for and Against Measuring EffectivenessReasons to measure effectivenessAvoid costly mistakesEvaluate alternative strategiesIncreased advertising efficiency Determine if objectives are achievedReasons effectiveness measures are not takenCosts involvedResearch problemsDisagreement on what to testObjections of creative department Lack of time2What, Where, and How to TestWhat to TestSource factorsMessage variablesMedia strategiesVehicle option source effect: Differential impact of an advertising exposure on the same audience depending on the media option usedBudgeting decisionsWhere to TestLaboratory tests: People are brought to a particular location where they are shown ads and/or commercialsTesting bias: People may scrutinize the ads much more closely than they would at homeField tests: Tests under natural viewing situationsCarried out with the realism of noise, distractions, and the comforts of homeHow to TestPositioning Advertising Copy Testing (PACT): Improves the research used in preparing and testing ads by:Providing a better creative product for clientsControlling the cost of TV commercial3Testing ProcessConcept generation and testingRough art, copy, and commercial testingPretesting of finished adsMarket testing of ads4Figure 18.5 - Weaknesses Associated with Focus Group Research5Types of Rough Art, Copy, and Commercial TestsComprehension and reaction tests: Assess the reaction an ad generates to ensure that it is not offensiveConsumer juries: Use consumers representative of the target market to evaluate the probable success of an ad6Limitations of the Consumer Juries MethodConsumer may become a self-appointed expertNumber of ads that can be evaluated is limitedHalo effect: Overall rating is influenced by the judgment on one or few characteristics of the adPreferences for types of advertising may overshadow objectivity7Figure 18.8 - Gallup & Robinson’s Impact System8Portfolio TestsExpose a group of respondents to a portfolio consisting of control and test adsLimitationsFactors other than advertising creativity and/or presentation may affect recallAbility to recognize the ad when shown may be a better measure than recall9Readability TestsCommunications efficiency of the copy in a print ad is tested without reader interviewsFlesch formula: Assesses readability of a copy by determining the average number of syllables per 100 wordsLimitationsCopy may become too mechanicalDirect input from receiver is not available10New Print Pretesting MeasuresPreTesting Groups’ People Reader methodologyProvides mocked-up magazines to consumers and measures their responsiveness to each adUses hidden cameras to record behavior LinkUses a comprehensive set of diagnostic questions to evoke viewer reactions to the ads11Pretesting Finished Broadcast AdsTheatre testing-Participants are invited to view pilots of proposed TV programsAdvantagesEstablish norms indicate how an add will fare against competitionBrand preference measure is supported by actual sales resultsDisadvantagesArtificial environmentContrived measure of brand preference, change is recognizableGroup effect may influence a viewer’s reactionOn-air test-Commercials are inserted into actual TV programs in certain markets.Recall: Number of persons able to recall the ad and/or its message12Physiological MeasuresIndicate receiver’s involuntary response to the adPupil dilationPupillometrics: Measures dilation and constriction of the pupils in response to stimuliGalvanic skin response (GSR)Electrodermal response (EDR): Measures the skin’s resistance or conductance to a small amount of currentBrain WavesElectroencephalographic (EEG): Determine electrical frequencies in brainAlpha activity: Degree of brain activation Hemispheric lateralization: Distinguishes between alpha activity in the left and right sides of the brainBrain scan imaging - Examine physiological reactions to ads and brands13Posttests of Print AdsAdvantages of inquiry testsImplementation is inexpensiveProvide some feedback about the general effectiveness of an ad or medium usedDisadvantages of inquiry testsInquiries may not be a true measure of the attention-getting or information-providing aspects of an adIneffective for comparing different versions or specific creative aspects of an ad14Posttests of Broadcast CommercialsAdvantages of day-after recall testsNatural setting provides a more realistic response profileProvide norms that allow advertisers to compare how well their ads are performingPersuasive and diagnostics measures are also availableDisadvantages of day-after recall testsHave limited samples, high costs, and security issuesFavor unemotional appealsProgram content may influence recallRespondents are aware of the test and will be more attentiveRecall is not a measure of acceptance or predictive of sales15Factors That Make or Break Tracking StudiesProperly defined objectivesAlignment with sales objectivesProperly designed measuresConsistency Random samplesContinuous interviewingEvaluate measures related to behaviorCritical evaluative questions asked early to eliminate bias16Factors That Make or Break Tracking StudiesMeasurement of competitors’ performanceSkepticism about questions asking where the ad was seenBuilding of news value into the studyMoving averages spot long-term trends and avoid seasonalityData reported in terms of relationshipsIntegration of key marketplace events with tracking results17Problems with Current Research MethodsAccomplishing some factors important to good copy testing require more effortMost current methods do little more than provide recall scoresLab measures - Artificial and vulnerable to testing effects Field measures - Result in a loss of control18Essentials of Effective TestingEstablish communications objectivesUse a consumer response modelUse both pretests and posttestsUse multiple measuresUnderstand and implement proper research19Measuring the Effectiveness of Nontraditional MediaMuch less effective than claimed Shopping cart signageMeasures are combined with sales tracking data to evaluate its effectivenessSki resort-based mediaSoftware has been introduced to measure the effectivenessIn-store radio and television Resources are available to measure impact of IMC elementsOther media20Measuring the Effectiveness of SponsorshipsMonitor the quantity and nature of the media coverage obtained for the sponsored eventEstimate direct and indirect audiencesExposure methodsEvaluate the awareness, familiarity, and preferences produced by sponsorship based on surveysTracking measures21

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