Vietnam is facing with environment crisis such as material scarcity, global warming and climate
change. Vietnameses brick manufacturing enterprises are under pressures in using materials
efficiently and reducing environmental impacts. This has posed challenges to manage the
environment effectively as well as to provide information adequately and correctly for managers
to make decisions for sustainable development. Activity Based Costing method (ABC) is a useful
tool for integrating environmental costs into strategic objectives of enterprises and linking goals
with environmental management, thereby ABC method helps organizations improve
environmental and financial performance. In Vietnam, however, ABC method is not really
popular in the brick industry which causes negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, this
paper focused on researching ABC method in brick manufacturing enterprises. Case study is
conducted at a brick factory. Research results provide useful information to make decisions for
product pricing, investment assessment, product design and technological lines change. Besides,
to use ABC method, author give some suggestions for brick manufacturing enterprises such as:
training staff about ABC method, improving the closed connection between accounting
department and environmental management department.
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Total cost
Activity for disposal of
emissions, dust
870.746 24,73 749.809 18.540.200 120.937 2.990.356
Activity for disposal of
waste water
384,83 85.284,02 320,69 27.349.731 64,14 5.470.117
Activity for disposal of
56.530 943.87 48.679 45.946.456 7.851 7.410.293
Activity for using water
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity for using energy
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity for recycling
industrial waste
179.521 344,41 170.046 58.565.543 9.475 3.263.285
Activity for recycling
harzardous waste
0 0 0 0 0 0
Green material
purchasing procurement
and methods
0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional activity for
conscious products
0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional activity for
reducing the
environmental impact of
containers and packaging
3.000.000 0,74 2.583.333 1.923.148 416.667 310.185
Activity for the
collection, recycling,
resale and proper disposal
of used products
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity for the
implementation and
maintenance of
management system
208 80.769,23 98 7.915.385 110 8.884.615
Activity for disclosure of
information associated
with business activities
and environmental
306.291,69 8 2.450.334 8 2.450.334
Activity for monitoring
environmental impact
6 750.000 3 2.250.000 3 2.250.000
Unit cost per
driver (VND)
Building brick Face brick
Total cost
Total cost
Activity for
environmental training of
8 450.000 4 1.800.000 4 1.800.000
Activity for
improvement such as
nature conservation, tree
planting, beautification
and landscape
R&D activity to develop
products that contribute to
environmental protection
70 22.857,14 35 800.000 35 800.000
R&D activity to curtail
environmental impact in
production stage
70 22.857,14 35 800.000 35 800.000
Another R&D activity to
curtail environmental
impact at the distribution
stage and marketing
stage of products
70 22.857,14 30 685.714 40 914.286
Activity for environmental
improvement, including
nature conservation, tree
planting, beautification and
landscape preservation
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity related to donation
or financial support of
environmental groups
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity associated with
financial supprot for
environmental conservation
of local community
0 0 0 0 0 0
Activity to restore the
natural environment back
to its original state
2,918,513 875.000.000 581.487
Acitivy for compensating
environmental damages
51.971 320,69 16.666.580 64,14 3.333.420
Provisions or insurance
fee to cover
environmental incidents
1.933.862 875.000.000 385.305
Total cost 216.213.012 46.757.710
Source: Brick production factory in Lam Sơn Company
Table 4. ABC Method and trational costing method
ABC method
Tradtional costing
method (VND)
Difference (VND)
1. Buliding brick 216.213.012 131.485.361 84.727.651
2. Face brick 46.757.710 131.485.361 (84.727.651)
Total 262.970.722 262.970.722 -
Source: Brick production factory in Lam Sơn Company
5. Conclusion
Table 4 showed that in traditional costing method, buiding brick and face brick get
same environmental costs. This might be an incorrect way to allocate some typical
environmental costs. For example, hazardous waste disposal costs which may be high in
building brick and low in face brick that applies fewer hazardous materials. In this case, the
allocation of disposal costs according to trational costing method would be inaccurate. If
managers use information by traditional costing method, it will reduce motivation to make
decisions toward to cleaner production.
In ABC method, environmental costs in building brick are more than in face brick
becauses activity driver of building brick create less. Therefore, environmental costs of products
in ABC method are more precise and managers in enterprises define activities which make
environmental impacts more fully and correctly. As a result, they will make internal decision
related to product pricing, investment, product design and technique changes.
Applying ABC method require staff who have high qualify and much experience.
Besides, it is required to the close connection between management accounting department
and environmental management department in collecting, measuring and allocating
environmental costs. Therefore, to use the method effectively, it is necessary to conduct
some following suggestions:
* Training management accounting and environmental management department
Training not only provide the knowledge and skills to fully implement business
operation but also ensure that the value of the organization is integrated into the thinking of
the members. With the function of collecting, analyzing and providing environmental cost
information, management accountants play a very important role in deciding the success of
enterprises. Management accounting system can help to improve both financial and
environmental performance. However, it is pointed out that the lack of active participation
of accountants in the management of environmental activities led environmental costs not to
collect and provide sufficiently and detailed. This can be explained by the limited knowledge
and skills of ABC method.
Therefore, to practice ABC method, it is required that management accounting
department have a thorough understanding of the ABC method otherwise the collection of
information may be impeded. Even if the information is collected, it can not be used
effectively. Raising awareness and understanding of the management accounting department
on environmental management is a very important mechanism for developing ABC method
in brick production enterprises. Therefore, a standard definition of environmental costs as well
as the ABC method framework should be clear understood from management accountants.
They also needs to consider non-traditional activities such as research on manufacturing
processes and activity of treating and managing wastes in the factory. Training not only creates
opportunities for interaction among members of management accounting but also facilitates
the exchange of knowledge with other departments and increases the understanding of the
importance of sustainable development.
To help ABC application succeed, departments also have a common understanding
of importance and usefulness of ABC method. Therefore, training program for all members
in enterprises should be prioritized to help them better understand the link between business
growth with environmental efficiency and establish a more detailed plan for ABC method
* Improving the connection between accounting and environmental management
Findings show that the more closely accounting department and environmental
management department are connected, the higher ABC application in brick production
enterprises is. Therefore, a team of professionals should be established that includes
environmental managers and management accountants, cost controllers to get a complete
picture of environmental performance and related environmental costs. Because
environmental staff are much knowledge about environmental issues such as flow of
materials, information related to treating, handling and controlling environment. However,
they have little knowledge of how to reflect those issues into the accounting system. In
contrast, management accounting department play an important role in accessing and
analyzing data, but they often have little understanding of the environmental issues that the
enterprise is facing. As a result, management accountants do not often provide
environmental information for decision-making fully. And it is clear that a closely linked
relationship between management accounting and environmental management department
is essential to track, calculate and allocate environmental costs accurately and completely.
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